Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tubal Reversal Surgery Is Possible After The Essure Tubal Ligation Procedure

Essure is a permanent birth control device that has recently become available as an alternative to traditional tubal ligation methods. The spring-like device is inserted through the uterine cavity into the tubal openings using a hysteroscope. Because of the scar formation, it cannot be pulled out of the tube. It is advertised by the manufacturer as a permanent method of birth control. In this respect, it is similar to other tubal ligation methods that are considered by most doctors to be permanent.

Dr. Gary Berger of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has successfully repaired the tubes following an Essure procedure. Dr. Berger accomplished this by cutting the Essure device out of the uterine muscle and implanting the remaining fallopian tube into the uterine cavity through a new opening in the uterus in a procedure called tubouterine implantation. The reason Dr. Berger removed the device was that part of the metal spring projects into the uterine cavity. If a pregnancy were to occur with the device in place, this could be harmful to the pregnancy.

To our knowledge, Dr. Berger is the only surgeon that has performed a tubal reversal surgery to reverse the Essure ligation method.

Read Dr. Berger's Blog on Reversing Tubal Essure

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Testimonials and Pregnancy Announcements

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Testimonials - August 2008

“My husband and I thank you so much for everything you did to make our family more complete.” Melissa and Corey C.

“Thank everyone at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for my little miracle baby. After having my tubes tied for 12 years, I wasn’t even sure it would work.” Pamela G.

“I had my tubal reversal surgery on October 9th, 2007 and was pregnant by November! I am happy to report that on August 7th, 2008 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl” Lana G.

Pregnancy Announcements - August 2008

Pregnancies 4th Week August 2008
Pregnancy announcements for the fourth week of August 2008 at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center include the first from a patient of our new surgeon Charles Monteith, MD. Melanie S. reports "I had my 1st ultrasound today and everything is looking good. My family would like to thank Dr Monteith and all the staff at Chapel Hill for everything they have done for us."

Pregnancies 3rd Week August 2008

Pregnancy announcements for the third week of August 2008 at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Dawn Marie T. reports "This is my third pg since I had my TR, so far everything is going well. Yesterday I had an u/s which it showed a sac and a yolk sac in my uterus. I even got to hear the baby's heartbeat!"

Pregnancies 2nd Week Aug 2008
Pregnancy announcements for the second week of August 2008 at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Staci K reports "I am also glad that I can still get pregnant! My Husband and I pray that this one will be a keeper!"

Pregnancies 1st Week Aug 2008
Pregnancy announcements for the first week of August 2008 at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.