Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Testimonials After Tubal Reversal Procedures from Dr. Berger's Patients

"I had my tubal reversal surgery by Dr. Berger in September, 2002. I have had 2 sons after my tubal reveral so far and have just found out I am expecting another baby in April." Misty R.

"Our Berger baby girl arrived just 10 short months after having the reversal procedure." Geni W.

"I want to announce the arrival of our new baby girl. We are so happy we traveled to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have the reversal done. I had the tubal reversal procedure performed September 21, 2006 and we found out we were pregnant the day after Thanksgiving." Elizabeth S.

"Kate just turned one. Turns out we got her an extra special present! Positive HPT today...we are THRILLED." Steph C.

"It will never be lost on me what miracles these little TR boys are. Thank you, Dr. Berger and staff for helping to make our dreams come true." Renee and Jack L.

"We are so grateful to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for the great work you do to allow families like ours to follow their hearts and bring a new life into their homes." Jennifer McN.

"My son Dylan is a Dr. Berger miracle. I had my tubal reversal surgery in January of 2006 and Dylan was born on January 22nd, 2007." Maria M.

"My tubal reversal baby boy is here thanks to the wonderful Dr. Berger and staff at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center." Andrea P.

"I got pregnant 2 months after my tubal reversal. Thank you Dr. Berger - I had a great pregnancy, full term, and fast delivery." Phoebe R.

"Our 3 year old tubal reversal daughter, Hally, has changed our lives and I still appreciate everything Dr. Berger did to bring so much joy into our lives." Peggy L.

"I had my baby 4 days after my Tubal Reversal Anniversary. Thank you, Dr. Berger - without you we wouldn't have our little miracle! " Dawn T.

"Kiaira is such a happy baby. Dr. Berger made our dreams come true with his tubal reversal procedure." Rosemary and Manuel M.

"We now have a new son thanks to the awesome skill of Dr. Gary Berger, the best tubal reversal doctor." Dana and Phillip A.

"We just wanted to say thank you, Dr. Berger and to all of the staff, for making our dream of having a family come true! We just added our second tubal reversal Berger Baby to our family only 16 months after our first Berger Baby." Scott and Kim H.

"Our new family addition arrived after tubal reversal surgery performed by Dr. Berger. I am a new mom again at 41." Tim and Amy F.

"Another miracle tubal reversal Berger Baby is born. Jayden is my husband's first child and to see the look on his face was priceless. Thank you all for this miraculous gift." JoAnn and Travis R.

"In October we will be delivering our 2nd Berger baby, then our family will be complete. We couldn't be more happy with our decision to take the leap and go see Dr. Berger for our TR surgery." Sheila P.

"My son is proof that tubal reversal works. My Berger Baby just turned one year of age - we are truly blessed thanks to you, Dr. Berger." Crystal W.

"We are so happy to report the arrival of our baby boy. We thank Dr. Berger and his wonderful staff for helping us realize the dream of having our fourth child." Misti D.

"Dr. Berger helped us create our miracle through tubal reversal surgery. He made our family so happy and complete." Angela P.

"Thank you, Dr. Berger, for giving us this miracle of life. I want to thank you for doing a wonderful job letting us have something so beautiful between Rodger and me." Heidi F.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Save Money For Tubal Reversal Surgery

Now You Can Save Money For Tubal Reversal Surgery

Dr. Berger's patients provide support and ideas for those saving funds for surgery.

The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board is a great place to find support and answers to your tubal reversal questions. Many of the posts involve finances and ways to save money toward the reversal surgery fee.

This is topic Ways to Save for TR in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board.

To visit this topic, use this URL:


Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on August 05, 2007 02:05 PM:

Hello sisters!!

Hi...have read several posts on this subject and sisters wondering what corners to cut...etc etc... here are some ideas but a few may be something everyone needs to give up:

1. Cut cable television down to basic minimum (depending on your service now..could be a savings of 30+ a month.

2. Review your cell phone package...if youre always below your minutes- considering reducing the package you have now....

3. If you have cell phone that includes long distance...cancel long distance service (if u pay for it) on your home phone...or better yet, cancel your service to the home phone all together.

4. Cut down on eating out...(huge savings here)

5. If family knows about TR, can ask everyone for contributions for a garage sale..(we did this when we were going to buy a car for my DD, the whole family pitched in and we made $800 in one day to use towards the car).

6. We cut down on our electric bill every month by changing all the light bulbs to the energy efficient ones...(just need to deduct prior bill with new bill and that would be the amount to put in piggy)

7. Depending how often you run dishwasher- conserve on the electric it uses and wash dishes by hand (this would go along with the light bulbs and energy used-prior month)

8. buy items in bulk (in long run it it cheaper)

9. Depending on how many times you get your hair done (try stretching the time in between appts, so not as many times a year)

10. If DS's / DH's go to the barber...if they just get a buzz cut....get clippers and do yourself-- a buzz cut anyone can do..and long run...savings!!!

11. If you have nails done..either quit all together or as with hair - stretch time in between (then put that money that you would have used in piggy including tip)

12. If you or hubby stop and get coffee or etc on way to work...STOP..make coffee at home...then put the amount you would normally spend a week in the baby fund.

13. If you buy the local newspaper, check to see if available online..ITS FREE! Then cancel your 'paper' subscription.

14. Magazine subscriptions...do you really need those?? If not a necessity..cancel it.

The final one.... LONG ago..I read this in a newspaper and it just boggled my mind. There was a story about a man and woman when they married each time they BD'd the wife would put so much $$ in a jar...she never told her husband, and one day years into their marriage he came home from work-he had lost his job and didn't know what they were going to.... well the wife said not to worry and she went got the money that she had put aside..if i remember the story correctly she had saved thousands...enough for them not worry...so on that avenue.....if you chose to do this... you could do ever how much you wanted..... it may seem to some 'wrong' to do this...but if working towards something...why not work together either you or your hubby/partner could contribute to the baby fund??? I dunno..... After reading this in the paper, I actually YEARS ago did this.....and within 6 months we had saved....$1200!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there are many many other ways to cut corners and save the $$ just takes persistent, willpower and the determination to do it. Just need to look at every aspect of where money goes,and then ask this question to yourself-- Need versus Want. If you dont NEED it..cancel it..you can do without it.

To all the sisters saving for TR..... Good luck!!


Posted by juliea (Member # 11218) on August 05, 2007 02:23 PM:

Berta,You have a lot of great ideas I think I am going to go through my bills right now. Some of these are even great for people who are not even saving for TR.
I got some very expences clothes from my niece. They had been sitting in the trunk of her car. I told my friend about them and she is going to give me $20 for them. A little here and a little there.
I also am going to have my W-2 changed to more dependents. And I am going to take the little I have going into a savings account and have it go into my flex account, because flex account money doesn't get taxed.
and I made $50 at my yard sale and $50 from collecting can. Cans go for 70 cents a pound here does any one know how much they go for in other areas? GOOD LUCK TO ALL Julie

Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on August 05, 2007 02:28 PM:

Julie.... on the idea of the cans...can also ask family members, (if they just toss or recycle to town or whatever)...why not just save and you pick them up and cash them in. W-2's and Flex plan are good ways too... Good luck to you!!!

Posted by ANANICKY07 (Member # 11330) on August 06, 2007 01:18 PM:

GOOD AFTERNOON LADIES ... It may sound funny but we thought of an easy way to save money. My sister is a plastic welder. I had her make me a box that is welded shut with a little slit at the top. I can not open it unless I break it. Every Friday I go to my moms and everyone puts in their extra change or a donation to my baby fund. My sister put in a $100 bill this morning. So I am very pleased. My husband and I will be putting in $500 a month in this box along with our tax return and by the time March 08 rolls around we will be ready to schedule my TR. [Smile] [Big Grin] [Razz]

Posted by lvtobered (Member # 10886) on August 06, 2007 03:29 PM:

Ananicky07, You are very lucky to have such a supportive family, good for you!

Posted by ANANICKY07 (Member # 11330) on August 06, 2007 04:23 PM:

Thanks... I have gone through alot of ups and downs in my lifetime and my family has always been there to support me mentally and for the most part finacially as well .. I cant wait to schedule my TR. I wish all u ladies the best of luck.. Anyone trying to schedule for Feb/March 08. Thank you all for welcoming me in on the board. Take care !!

Posted by juliea (Member # 11218) on August 06, 2007 06:58 PM:

I am hoping for May. I am a teacher and that would give me time to recover. It I can get the money together.

Posted by Rhonda Brown, RN (Member # 9485) on August 06, 2007 07:42 PM:

What wonderful ideas. It is great that you have a support system here on the board. I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you as I know you will reach your goal. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can assist you in anyway.