Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Babies and Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal Procedures from Dr. Berger's Patients
"We cannot imagine our life without our 2 TR babies. They are such a joy!" Mike and Rachelle B.
"DJ is our 2nd TR baby since our tubal reversal surgery in February 2004. Thanks again, Dr. Berger, and all of your wonderful staff for a job well done." Donnie and Amy E.
"We have Dr. Berger and God to thank for our tubal reversal daughter, Dakota Mae, who is a special addition to our family. Susan, John and Family
"I had my tubal reversal in June 2006 and 18 months later we have our little Kourtney. Words cannot express how grateful my family and I are to Dr. Berger." Diane W. and Family
"On Monday, December 3rd, we welcomed Camiana Christa to our family. She is our 2nd TR baby. Our hearts are full of joy again!" Bobbie and Rick K.
"Because of Dr. Berger's devotion to tubal reversal and desire to grant the gift of life, our dreams of starting a family have become a reality." Elfriede B.
"My TR baby is here! He was born 11-9-07. Please thank Dr. Berger." Ann P.
"Thank you so much Dr. Berger and everyone at Chapel Hill for helping to bring such happiness back to our family." Tamara W.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Dr. Berger's Patients Discuss Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome
The following is the topic ptls in forum Preparing for Tubal Reversal at Tubal Reversal Message Board
Posted by dolly1 (Member # 9750) on June 21, 2006 09:27 PM:
I was just reading some of the posts about women with ptls. I thought I was going crazy until I read more about ptls. My gyn doesn't believe in it, nor do most doctors, so I've read from other women trying to be treated for it. Does Dr. Berger feel tl's can cause health problems for women? If tl's aren't reversable, does he know of a way to help women successfully be treated for ptls?
Posted by Heartmommy (Member # 9267) on June 22, 2006 01:54 AM:
I went to Dr. Berger for my TR almost 2 weeks ago. I went because of the symptoms of PTLS that I was having. I also had dr.s not believe me and have been on every med in the book for depression, bc pills, hormones, you name it. I have been feeling better since I have had it done. I am not totally back to normal, but I am going in the right direction. I hae lost about 5 pounds since the swelling and fluids got out of my body. I haven't lost 5 #'s in 2 weeks since before my TL. And I am eating the same. I am not as tired. If I am tired in the morning, it is not like before my TR and I couldn't get out of bed. I can get up and moving. I haven't been moody for 2 whole weeks. I feel great and I hope the rest keeps getting better. I will keep you posted on how things keep improving. Annie-Mom to Cameron-16 dx with Diabetes 8/22/03, April-15, both HH,
Damien Destructo-7, dx with Coarctation of the Aorta, BAV and MV Stenosis on May 16th, 2001, Surgery to repair(coarct) on May 22nd, 2001- Dx with ADHD-9/04. Raiden 5- diagnosed with HLHS on 8/1/2000, Heart Transplant at 11 days in Ann Arbor Michigan at Mott's Women and Children's Hospital by the Wonderful, Talented Dr. Richard Ohye. Blood clot in the heart 10/23/03 (3 days hospitalization). And heart biopsies 2002,2003,2004 all "0" 's. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted by Josh's Baby (Member # 9308) on June 22, 2006 07:15 AM:
Hi Dolly1,
I have wrote on here a couple of times about my experiences with PTLS. My TR is 7-14 and the reason my husband and I rushed into it sooner (hadn't planned on doing it till next year) is because he sees me suffering and we both are looking for a possible cure. I am psyched to see if anything changes. Judging by the comments of other women on here, I will get relief. By the way, I have been told I am crazy by many a doctor. :-)
Posted by dolly1 (Member # 9750) on June 22, 2006 11:40 AM:
Good luck to both of you. I am going to Dr. Berger 7/24. What type of tl did you have and do you know your chances for reversal? I had a Parkland (like a Pomeroy) and my gyn said my tubes were short after she did a laparoscopy for an ovarian cyst removal. I'm not sure how accurate that is as she didn't do any measurements but I'm hoping for the best.
Posted by penneysprecious (Member # 9551) on June 22, 2006 01:50 PM:
PTLS is real and I am living proof of it.
WT loss, PMS is shorter, stomach issues cleared up,energy level is higher and many more positive things have happened since my surgery.
I had my reversal on 5/3/06. And will never regret spending the money.
Dr. Berger is doing a study on PTLS. He believes it, because he's seen so many women who have complained of the same symptoms without any real reason.
Go for it you won't regret it. I know we don't!!
Posted by Heartmommy (Member # 9267) on June 22, 2006 02:18 PM:
I had the parkland on one and the pomroy on the other. On my TL report, it said that they only took about 1-2 out and it ended up that they had taken more than that. I ended up with like 2.5 and 3 for tube lengths. So they are short, but since I am not trying to get pregnant, the lengths really don't matter to me. Dr. Berger is doing a study on women who have the same symptoms. I know he is about the only person who believes me. My Family doctor believes me, but he could do nothing about it. He has 2 other women that have the exact same symptoms as mine. After the TL! Annie
Posted by Rachel RN (Member # 1386) on June 22, 2006 02:35 PM:
Dear Dolly1,
As these ladies have written, Dr. Berger is presently doing a study of PTLS among his patients who complain of symptoms or problems they feel are related to their tubal ligations. The study is in response to hearing about these problems from some of his patients for years. Dr. Berger does not know what the origin of these problems might be, any more than any other physician, or what connection there really is to the tubal ligation. But he hears what his patients tell him. While we can't make any promises, I can tell you that the preliminary data look very, very positive.
It is true that PTLS is unacknowledged by the medical establishment or the insurance industry. But I remember a time when PMS was "all in your head" - even menstrual cramps were supposed to be imaginary - and both of these changed. Not so long ago, women were also told their uterus was "migrating" to the wrong places in their body and causing them physcal and emotional problems. Our grandmothers might remeber a time when women were not supposed to run too much or there uterus could fall out. In other words, medical "knowledge" is subject to change. The only way to find out whether a TR will help your PTLS is to have the procedure and see what happens. Best wishes to you,
Rachel Heller, RN
Posted by Josh's Baby (Member # 9308) on June 22, 2006 03:17 PM:
Hi Dolly1-
I had the ligation and resection with cautery. They took out (or at least that is what the lab papers say) .5 on one side and 1.2 on the other. The TL Operation notes said they took out 1.0 on both sides so they must have been swollen from giving birth. Now the question remains as to how badly he burned me! I called and asked and the nurse told me that he only burns enough to stop the bleeding. I have my fingers crossed. Still, with such good odds, I question things. What if I am a freak and my tubes were only 5cm to begin with or what if he burned the be-jeebies out of my insides and called it a day? Ah well, I am just hoping for some restoration and lots of PTLS relief!!
Good Luck to you,
Posted by dolly1 (Member # 9750) on June 22, 2006 05:49 PM:
I must be a freak because my gyn says 10 cms is "textbook", not reality and my tubes were short to begin with so I am hoping for the best as well. Good luck!
Posted by lynngirl1976 (Member # 9792) on June 23, 2006 04:35 PM:
I had my TR for two reasons 1: Because we deperately want to have more children and 2: because DR.Bergers office were the only people who even knew what ptls was. god bless them. I am totally back to normal now like before TL.
Posted by momof3pa (Member # 11472) on September 16, 2007 11:49 AM:
Dear heartmommy, pennysprecious, or anyone who's had the TR for PTLS symptom relief,
I'm trying to find out if having a reversal is going to rid me of all these weird symptoms since having TL in '02. I've heard both ways, it does & it didn't change anything. For those of you who've had the reversal, and some time has passed (some over a year), how are you feeling? Are you glad you had the reversal?
I just can't fathom spending the $$$$ if it's not a "sure" thing.
I'm also tired of doctors saying that my symptoms have nothing to do w/ the TL. Or saying I'm feeling this way because of my age. I should probably have my hormones tested but feel that isn't going to solve anything, another waste of time, energy & money. If anyone out there has any advise for me, that has been through this, I welcome your thoughts! Thanks!
Posted by Blessings (Member # 9736) on September 16, 2007 12:06 PM:
I had my TR due to PTLS, I had my TR in 03/13/06. I will sat that this was the best money I have ever spent on myself. I had horrible symptoms...just horrible!!!! Within 3 months of having my TR my smptoms that I had are gone !!!! The only thing I iwshed that would have wen as well was this weight gain. I have not been able to lose any weight after TR and I have tried. Other than that everything is back to normal !!! I beieve 90% see a huge difference after TR. I was at the point if I could get 50% better I would have not put a price on it...but I am very blessed that i got more than what I expected. Best of wishes!!!
Posted by jeannie (Member # 8333) on September 16, 2007 12:28 PM:
I have had problems with losing weight also. I have thyroid problems and was put on meds for it, but that didnt help. Then I got diagnosed with pcos and got put on meds for that and the weight is coming off. Slowly, but its there. Alot of people have commented on my weight lose. So I know I am losing...lol That maybe one thing you might want to look into. HTH Jeannie
Posted by Brandi (Member # 3653) on September 16, 2007 01:46 PM:
I wonder if there is a connection between PCOS and TL!
Posted by jeannie (Member # 8333) on September 16, 2007 02:56 PM:
I seriously think there is Brandi, but I am no doctor. But I never had any of these problems before TL.
Posted by momof3pa (Member # 11472) on September 16, 2007 04:43 PM:
Thanks for the information Blessings,
I'm just wondering, were your symptons of PTLS all related to your cycles. I have those symptoms myself (severe cramps, heavy & irregular, lots of spotting), but I also have achy joints, fatigue & heart palpatations (at times). I've been tested for lymes disease, arthritis, thyroid. All normal results.
Should I have my hormones tested?
Posted by momof3pa (Member # 11472) on September 16, 2007 04:47 PM:
forgot something-
I had an internal ultrasound last month and they said I had "a" polycystic cyst. Told me it was normal and not to worry about it?? Is that what's causing the severe cramps? Do you think I have PCOS? Why would they just dismiss that?
Posted by Blessings (Member # 9736) on September 16, 2007 07:53 PM:
This is what I had and these sysmptoms started from about 2-3 months after my TL. I had horrible periods, bad clotting, bloating like I was 6 months preg, weight gain, loss of hair, fits of rage, deperssion, very moody, no energy, hurt when I had sex and no sex drive at all, I thought I was going crazy. Had my TR after going through this for 4 1/2 years and now I am free. PCOS can be from having a TL.
Best of wishes, Christie
Posted by jeannie (Member # 8333) on September 16, 2007 08:07 PM:
Momof3 and Blessings,
Have either one of you asked your doctor about pcos? If not it may be something to look into.
Best wishes for you all,
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 06, 2007 02:16 PM:
PTLS.... Since my TL in 2001 my periods are heavy and long 7-9 days is usual, the longest was 14 days. The aches the pains, joints hurting, belly swelling like 6 months preg too! Not only that, but YES the heart palpitations. The thing is I NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM it started 2 months after TL I've tolerated it but now I'm more than willing to be the guinea pig!!!! Can't wait to see how it goes! The doctors want me to go on birth control pills, I refuse I want another baby and if this fixes it all that is a very good thing!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 06, 2007 02:21 PM:
Ooops forgot the other thing that started that 1st month was bleeding during ovulation, that was like what the heck is going on!!!! That started within 2 months of TL and has continued the same way. Momof3pa, I'm right there with you , your symptoms mirror mine exactly!!! I'm getting the reversal done Oct 15 I will post and let you know if it works. LOL I have a friend waiting here with the same issues waiting to see.
I don't have PCOS at all. No ovarian issues whatsoever. I'm hoping getting full blood supply back where it all belongs will do the trick.
Posted by momof3pa (Member # 11472) on October 06, 2007 03:24 PM:
Hi Mama12
Our symptoms are exactly alike, to the "T". I would definitely spend the $ to have a reversal for the sole purpose of feeling better, but, I'm just afraid I'll go through with it and be the % of patients w/out relief. =( It's a lot of money not knowing for sure.
I will pray that you get relief by having the reversal done.
Please keep me posted!!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 06, 2007 06:40 PM:
I will definately
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on October 06, 2007 09:55 PM:
Momof3pa... I felt the same way as you at first. I was afraid to spend all that money with no guarantee. But, I could not stand to live that way anymore and I kept thinking what if it does work! Then I had two Gyne tell me Hysterectomy! After hysterectomy then they want you on hormones and you have a higher risk of heart disease! But, I kept thinking what if the TR works. Well, I took the risk and had my TR 8/23/07 and can tell you it was worth every penny! I feel 80% better and I had all the problems you had.
Take care, Lynn
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 07, 2007 08:27 AM:
Pghtwins, you too huh? It's the same symptoms.
I have a friend who at age 30 had a stroke from BCP's... That's the problem it happens, it's unsafe. That is why I got my tubes clipped to begin with, the symtoms are no fun, but a stroke is just plain not an option....
We had some good luck so we can afford this I'm not kidding we got the EXACT amount of money to pay for it, crazy huh?? yes we should probably pay of bills, BUT it's to a point I can't stand it anymore. Things fell into place to do it. You know in life, when things fall in line so perfectly, it's like a big arrow pointing you in the direction you should go (those very rare moments)? Well that is what happened here. My brother of all people after seeing everything what has happened said to me "You know you are supposed to have this surgery" I told him I know. Everything aligned perfectly, there was no resistance from any angle. It's a smooth sail right into it.
THE ONLY TIME I FEEL OK is when I'm actually in the middle of my period bleeding. Is it like that for you guys?
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on October 07, 2007 03:51 PM:
Mama12... When every thing goes that well you are ment to have it. I can't believe that was the exact amount of money you received! You have to go for it! I had half the money saved and Charged the rest on my Visa. Every time I make the payment I thank God for directing me to have the TR. I don't care if I have to work overtime it was well worth getting my health back. Now I can enjoy my kids! Did you schedule yet? You won't regret it.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 07, 2007 04:26 PM:
It was unbeleivable. I called thinking well we are just going to have to use a couple of credit cards, REALLY nervous about that payment you know?? The clock is ticking though and time waits for no one. Then I get a call not even 2 hours later I sold my house we left behind in NY and will be getting the exact amount. I almost died I stood there, tears rolling, smiling I couldn't beleive it! It was one of those moments I knew I was doing what God wants me to do. I'm fulfilling my destiny and I know it, I just don't know where it's all going. I just know I'm going the right way. I'm glad it worked for you, I'm sure it will work for me. I'm scheduled to go in next Monday and have it done. 1 week after my HB birthday and 1 week before mine! A nice present for both of us I would say!
Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on October 09, 2007 10:37 PM:
I can't believe my eyes. I had my TL in 1997 after the birth of my dd a couple months later I was back in the doctor's office crying and doubled over in pain. The lower left side of abdomen hurt so bad. He checked me and said the pain was in my head. I left there so angry. I was breastfeeding my dd so I didn't get my cycle for awhile. Yet I was still in pain and had horrible mood swings. Didn't want to be intimate with dh didn't even want him to touch me. It almost cost me my marriage. When I did get my cycle back it was so bad I remember vividly thinking that I was in labor thats how bad I hurt. I couldn't walk, stand, use the bathroom much less take care of my four children. The bleeding was scary I thought I was hemorraging when I would stand up blood would pour down my legs. I didn't have insurance or the money to go to the doctor so I just dealt with it the best I could. Kotex company made a lot of money off me for several months. This went on for a long time and then my wonderful sister said that's it your going to the doctor and I'm paying for it. I went to her doctor and he was wonderful and understanding. I was happy with his diagnosis until he said the only way he can help me was to do a hysterectomy. I was only 25 and I knew I needed my uterus. I have lived with ever symptom of PTLS of the past 10 years. I didn't know it existed until now. I had enough as of 2 weeks ago and made an appointment to another doctor. I thought I had an ovarian cyst all test and sonograms said otherwise. I explained to her that I never had problems until I got my tubes tied. She said she doesn't do TL hardly at all cause she knows the risk. Finally someone was listening. I quickly came home and did a search for problems after TL . I was shocked when I came on here and read some of the post. I sat here and wept and knew I had finally found that piece of the puzzle to why I have been so miserable for 10 years. I went to my dh and told him I want a reversal. He thought it was a scam so I could have another child. I told him that would be a blessing but I want my life back. We are working on getting our ducks in a row so I can have the surgery soon. I know we have BCBS I just don't know if they will pay for any of it. Sorry this is so long. But I need as much info anyone can give me. And I wanted to say thank you to the person responsible for this site. Without this knowledge and knowing I can do something about it I would have gone the rest of my life suffering and so would have my family.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 10, 2007 08:13 AM:
I've got the same issues going on... outrageous bleeding I can't leave the house for the 1st few days of my period I know all about it. The clots too, I never had that ever!!!! The doc told me to stop eating chips!! LOLLOL I NEVER EAT THAT GARBAGE I HATE CHIPS AND SALTY FOODS AND POP!!!!!! I drink water more than anything, purified no less! That's when I started to suspect something was up that was the straw that broke the camels back, that and the ovulatory bleeding, it was just ridiculous, I've never had those problems in my 16 years of monthly periods before TL, count that, that is 192 periods before my TL!!!! You'd think I'd know my own body after 192 periods!!!! LOL what a joke! I originally looked just to have that one more baby, but found out it can get rid of all of these symptoms I can't wait!
My surgery is Monday.
I have had every test possible, they say I'm a normal healthy female. Hormones are fine.
I take NO medications or herbal concoctions. I don't drink or do any drugs, I'm a good clean healthy candidate.
I eat healthy, I am not underweight or overweight. I have no health issues I'm healthy. I plan on posting on here after to let you know how my periods are afterwards. We don't plan on getting pregnant immediately. We want to wait a few months. We will see, it may work it may not either way it's totally worth the try.
Posted by leo79 (Member # 11266) on October 10, 2007 10:22 AM:
Hi I just wanted to chime in, I had my TL in 2002 and had my TR 7/05/07. I also had horrible PTLS to the point that my DH one day after seeing me in pain and going to all kinds of doctors said that's it you are getting the TR and see what happens we called and scheduled for the following week, rushed to the lab to get my lab work done and off to Chapel Hill we went. To start of as soon as I got to Dr. Bergers office and the nurse did the sonogram she told me I had PCOS I could not beleive it I had had at least two other sonograms by my gyn and she never diagnosed it, once I spoke to Dr. Berger he assured me that I would find some type of relief and that he would advise me on what I should do to help with my PCOS and just as he said, it has been 3 months since my TR and I can tell you I feel so much better and still working on the PCOS issue that I got thanks to my TL. I would recommend getting the TR to anyone going through this, Dr. Berger is a wonderful doctor and his staff is awesome they make you feel very safe and comfortable. Hope this helps any one who is still having second thoughts.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 11, 2007 09:25 AM:
PCOS can be a painful thing! I like the Web MD site they have a lot of information on it, it's really informative.
Oh girls I'm getting nervous LOL I want my mommy!!!! Monday morning is coming fast! Just a few days to go!
Funny even when you are an adult you still just plain old want your mom. Gosh, I'm such a baby!
I'll have my DH with me so it's ok. I miss my family they are all so far away.
Posted by wweigand (Member # 11323) on October 12, 2007 09:03 AM:
momof3pa, I am near you!! I am in Schnecksville, PA!! Wendy
Posted by momof3pa (Member # 11472) on October 12, 2007 09:01 PM:
Hi wweigand! Yes, I've been there already, my sister's in-laws live in Schnecksville. How are you feeling? How was your TR experience? Did you have TR because of PTLS symptoms?
Posted by wweigand (Member # 11323) on October 12, 2007 09:25 PM:
momof3pa, I did not have my TR for ptls. My DH and I are trying to have a baby. My TR experience was great. I have more of a chance now. Thats cool that your SIL's live in the same town as I do!!! Wendy
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 17, 2007 11:30 AM:
Hi girls, Well it's all done. Doc said everythign was text book perfect. I have no issues just as I knew anyway. I will keep you all updated as to how my periods go. I'm feeling good. He said everything looks completely normal, NO ISSUES. Which only confirms everything, the only logical conclusion to the symptoms is PTLS. I will let you know as the months go by. I'm due for my 1st one in about 4 days, I don't think this one will count so much as it's so soon after surgery, but the next couple of months will tell for sure! I am feeling good though, so far, just healing up.
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on October 17, 2007 08:44 PM:
mama12... I'm so glad everything went well! Now your on the other side! I can't believe how many of us have or I should say had PTLS!! You are going to feel better every day! I also wanted to tell you my DH and I have a 66 NOVA. I think you were the one who sells parts for classic cars? Well, Take care and hope you have a fast recovery!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 19, 2007 10:18 AM:
Yes we do the car parts that's us!
You know I realized yesterday that for the 1st time in 7 years my ovaries are not aching
Normally days before my period I would be in tears at moments in pain, but there is none and it feels so good. Right about now I would be miserable
I'm feeling better everyday I only took some ibuprofen yesterday. I'm not quite marathon material but I am healing up nicely.
The worst part of it all? Honestly is I can't laugh. It will hurt to laugh, everyone says moving, walking, standing, it's the laughing that gets me I'll find something really funny, and can only half laugh about it because it will hurt! I tell you though, the lack of ovary aching is an absolute Godsend. My joints are not hurting either, it's early yet so another month will really tell the tale but right now I'm very very happy.
Posted by Barbara, RN (Member # 8698) on October 19, 2007 10:28 AM:
So glad you are already noticing relief from your PTLS symptoms! We will keep in touch with you to follow up on the progress.
Posted by hoosiergal (Member # 11345) on October 19, 2007 10:34 AM:
I love to read posts on people getting better from PTLS after their TR. Gives me great hope!!! Truly a god send ... so glad for you! 17 days to go ... and hopeful for some relief!!! Thanks for sharing! Amber
Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on October 19, 2007 06:28 PM:
I'm so sorry that you've put up with this for so long. I couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling better, and luckily I found this site a year after my TL. I am very much looking forward to a reversal to end these symptoms, and another bundle of joy would be a miracle, too. Best of luck to you, and I hope things work out and you feel better
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 23, 2007 01:41 PM:
Yes the ovary pain is gone this time around, the AF flow is still heavy but I had TR on the 15th, AF came on the 20th. It had all that time to build up excessive lining so the flow is still ridiculous. Next month will really tell how it will be. But I know for sure 100% the ovary pain was and is non exsistant. Ordinarily I'd be getting pains now and I'm not. I've dealt with that for TOOOOO long, suddenly it's gone and it feels so good!
I'll update for next month- provided I don't get BFP! But it should really show the difference a month from now. I'll post and let you know. I'm soooo curious myself! So far so good I've noticed a difference! In case anyone is wondering, I'm not taking any pain meds at all not even Tylenol I haven't since Friday. Will post again and let you know at ovulation time. I'm curious too!! Can't wait!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 23, 2007 02:09 PM:
Amber post on here and let us know how it goes for you to after ok? You are going to be happy, he does really good work.
You know what got old was the doctors telling me I needed BC pills. That was outragous. I'd rather try this first that's for sure! It's expensive but so is the toll on your purse and health after years of BC pills... You figure your going to spend $6000 at some point on BC pills easily. Every penny adds up. $75 pack of pills per month is $900 a year for example.
Lynn I just sold some Nova seatbelts last night. First set in about 3 months Yay!
Posted by hoosiergal (Member # 11345) on October 25, 2007 01:14 PM:
mama12 - I definitely will do that! It's so awesome to hear how you are doing! My ovaries always ache as well, I swell up like a pregnant woman, moody moody moody, and tired tired tired. My doctor too wanted me on BC, but I have never been able to take it without really messing up my hormones. I have had numerous ultrasounds, the last one in August where they put liquid up in the uterus to see inside it and the lining .. nothing! Just to be sure they took a piece out to test for cancer and all good. I'm healthy in every aspect. Doctor said "go for it", you are a healthy lady. Only other option is a hysterectomy, but he knew I was wanting more children. I'm down to 11 days and counting. Can't wait for the relief!!!! I'll feel like a new woman!! Amber
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 25, 2007 02:22 PM:
Hoosiergal, I know it, it was BC pills or hysterectomy, my NY doctor offered that option, but insisted I be FULLY informed and wait as long as possible so I don't regret it.... She's been right all the way along. She suggested years ago I get them untied, but pregnancy at that time was more like a nightmarish idea really with the man I was with. Now I'm married to someone else who is perfect for me, I like him exactly the way he is flaws and all, I wouldn't change a thing so I know it's right. The worst part of the aftermath of TL for me is the tiredness, that is not a good thing for me. That was my 1st immediate symptom something was not right. I've got to run a business and be in top form, on the ball. Being lethargic isn't an option.
That's interesting, the fluid and the check for cancer, well better to be thorough than not I always say. They did repeated sonograms for me everytime they saw nothing, I had them at about every stage of my cycle every time everything was normal.
I'm feeling really good, it's been 10 days and I'm almost completely back to normal. I think the key is after TR is to take it really easy the first 5 days or so. Just sleep when you want and relax. Make sure you walk some everyday to keep the adhesions away and stand up straight even when you don't want to. They can't form as easily if you move around. My oldest is 11 and had the week off for fall break so she did the cooking and cleaning which helped tremendously! She's an angel.
The one thing missing on the supply list for the surgery is underwear, make sure you buy 6 pairs or so of the higher cut panties, you know the granny panty kind, normal bikini underwear is too low, it will not be an option that first week to wear! It's an absolute neccessity!! They aren't the most attractive but you'll be really happy you have them! Your going to want stretchy pants too, sweatpants type of thing, anything soft on the belly area, jeans and button pants aren't going to be comfortable for about a week or so, so make sure you have some of those to wear while you heal up. It's exciting isn't it? 11 days, it will fly by I tell you! How awesome!!! Guess what? I still don't feel my ovaries yay!! It's so nice!
Posted by hoosiergal (Member # 11345) on October 25, 2007 02:44 PM:
Thanks .. I added the granny panties to my list when I saw it posted on another thread. LOL I have sweats and pajama pants to bring down for the trip. My DF took the week off to take care of me any my kids (ages 4 and 9). He's a sweetie! I plan on lots of relaxation while recovering. I too never imagined having more kids or even marrying again. But, I met "the one", my soulmate, and he doesn't have any of his own, and I'm praying the Lord will bless us. He just hopes it makes me healthy first though! I'm thrilled that you are still not having any pain. I sooooo pray I have the same outcome! I'll definitely keep in touch .... hope you do the same! Lots of baby dust to you!!!!!! Amber
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 25, 2007 03:37 PM:
Oh you'll be fine then, let him take care of it all and you can just relax! I had my 11 year old doing it all it worked out fine, she was happy to help.
You too I hope it all goes as good as mine did
Posted by hoosiergal (Member # 11345) on October 30, 2007 03:26 PM:
Hey mama12 ... how you been feeling? Hope all is well, was just thinking about you!!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on October 30, 2007 03:44 PM:
Feeling fine, ovulating very soon if not right now LOL and there is no pain, not like before, I'm a little tired but that's normal to have some symptom of ovulation. It's nice not to be in tears though No bleeding either so that is a good sign.
Been busy lately I'm very energetic, obviously I've been doing tons of stuff so it's a good thing. I'm feeling great though!
Posted by hoosiergal (Member # 11345) on November 01, 2007 10:12 AM:
That's great to hear!!!! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait ..4 days to go .. and I'll be joining you on the "other side"! Hoping for some relief and energy back as well. No O pains, what a blessing! Even if I get a little better I'll be thrilled ... it's just crazy to have gone through the past 4 years knowing that this has caused my problems, and just now finding a way to make it better!! I'm so excited!! Thanks for all of your posts, it has been awesome to hear that you have gotten better!
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on November 02, 2007 08:10 AM:
Hoosiergal....Good luck with surgery! You will love Dr.Berger and his staff. The best part about it is they believe in PTLS! I thank God everyday for Dr.Berger.
Mama12... So glad to hear you are feeling GOOD! Makes life a whole lot easier!! I noticed that I'm getting warmer?? Must be the hormones. After the TL I was always cold now I'm Hot?? Have you noticed that? Take care, Lynn
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 03, 2007 08:50 AM:
Lynn I noticed that too, my hubby was freezing last night I was nice and warm! I noticed that all week how absolutely wierd isn't it?? I'm loving it, being warm I was freezong all the time before that is so odd!!! I was making fun of my hubby last night, he was cold I told him see now you know you married a Yank, see how tough we are? 40 is warm sweetie! Of course I turned the heat off, he blasts it on in the morning. MY FEET are warm and my hands it's absolutely wonderful!
Lynn when are you due to O, and are you trying?
Hoosiergal yup 29th was O day and I'm still fine, no debilitating ovary pain, no joint pain AT ALL I think I'm really good to go it's so awesome! My belly ordinarily would be swelling up, more like my uterus, it gets so swollen usually and it's tilted from having babies, it hurts to sit usually from the swelling and tilt, well low and behold, I can sit and there is no pain. I did get tired on the 30th and took a little nap but that was it, it wasn't the 3 days of FOG HEAD where I can't think. I was almost in tears yesterday BUT with happiness not pain it is so obvious it's worked!!!
Are you excited? Don't forget some high tummy cut panties to bring with you, you will need them! I'm excited for you you are going to be happy with your care, I was. It went really well. I wish you all the best!!!! You are in absolute good hands I assure you!
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on November 06, 2007 09:29 AM:
Mama12...Sorry I took so long to reply!Things get so crazy no time for the computer. Dh and I are not trying I am 46 and he is 49 but, if it did happen we would be happy! My 2nd AF after TR was late and very light just spotting. I hope I get regulated,maybe it takes a few AF's before it becomes normal again. I do feel 80% better!!
Take care, Lynn
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 08, 2007 08:17 AM:
I'm wondering if I'm BFP already. I had some spotting the past couple of days, I'm thinking maybe it's implantation spotting?
Ovulation was on the 30-31 of Oct. I know it's not ovulation spotting for sure.
Crossing my fingers I'm going to take a preg test next Monday and see what it says. Wouldn't that be something huh?
I'm either preg or the trauma of surgery got me messed up a little. Which can happen, it's a very delicate system we have, it's actually really amazing how our bodies work. Whatever thought us up is far more intelligent than I that's all I know. I'm kind of in awe I have to say. We will see... Come Monday or Tuesday hopfully I'll have a + preg test. We weren't exactly careful if you know what I mean
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on November 08, 2007 01:08 PM:
Mama12... My fingers are crossed for you!! Hope you get a BFP! My AF is due in a few days, I hope it is back to normal. I'll let you know.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 08, 2007 08:25 PM:
Oh me too, Lynn this time of month normally I'd be in tears in pain. So you did it totally to get rid of PTLS then? With the added bonus of a baby if it happens for you?
I did it equally for both. For now the result I'm getting is relief, for sure. No ovary pain is nice. I can't beleive the lack of joint pain, my hips, and legs used to hurt so bad, and they don't anymore. If anything it made me realize so far how much aching and pain I actually had for SO LONG. Even if there is no baby ever, it was worth it 100%.
Hoosiergal?? Where are you? How are you doing? How did it go? Oh your probably relaxing like you should be now. I hope all is well for you.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 13, 2007 08:46 AM:
Still no BFP I told hubby last night, I'm feeling so normal for once, even if there never is a BFP it was worth every dime. I feel normal finally!!!
Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on November 13, 2007 10:50 AM:
Oh you ladies give me such hope. I can't wait to have the surgery and feel better. Mama12 all those symptoms you described being free from I'm actually experiencing right now. My legs, hips and butt hurt so bad. I'm ovulating right now and it's just aweful. So glad to see that my reasons for having this surgery are valid. I'm hoping to have the surgery in January. After this past months cycle I don't want to have to many more like this. But it is coming up on Christmas so I'll wait another month. Thanks again for giving me some hope that I can feel better and get my life back after I have the TR.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 13, 2007 12:34 PM:
LOL for so long I really attributed that joint, leg, hip ache to age. LOL 35 felt like was 70 Well it wasn't age, it was from TL. A huge bonus to have that gone, that was so annoying!
If this is the extent of my new PMS sypmtoms, I'll take it and smile a big fat smile it's a breeze! YAY!!! It worked for me that is for sure. Ovulation was barely noticable it was nice!
3 days from AF and I don't have that intense nap urge...Not taking any ibuprofens or Aleve either.
Posted by Laura RN (Member # 1387) on November 13, 2007 02:58 PM:
It is nice to see posts from Dr. Berger's patients who have experienced relief from PTLS symptoms following tubal reversal surgery. It gives hope to other women who are experiencing the same symptoms. Good luck to all of you!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 17, 2007 07:18 AM:
OMG guys I'm pregnant~ YAY
Well all I can say for sure is ovulation was NOT painful like it has been after TL. IT will be 9 months before I'll get another period.
If anything we know TR works. I had surger Oct 15 and here I am exactly one month later BFP Woooo Hooooo
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on November 17, 2007 09:22 PM:
mama12.... What fantastic NEWS!! I am so happy for you and DH. After all those years of suffering with PTLS you truly deserve a baby or maybe two!! Best Wishes to you and your family.
Take Care and try to take it easy.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 18, 2007 07:49 AM:
Oh Lynn I'm hoping for 2 a lady in town dreamt I came into her store with a double stroller....
Oh I hope so that would be so cool. LOL I'll need to trade my car in for a van. My father says my eggs must've been stacked up like a PEZ dispenser LOL ready aim fire!!!
I have to go and do the doctor thing tomorrow. I fully expect it to take all day. If the one won't give me a sono I know one that will for sure, it's just a 2 hour drive that's what sucks. I'm hoping the local regular office will do it, it's a normal everyday doctor but they are good. My doctor of choice I can't get in there until Dec 7th and I'm afraid to wait that long. I've been reading and the tubal ruptures occur anywhere from 4-8 weeks. It's just not something I want to wait and find out.
I think I'm ok I had implantation bleeding BUT better safe than sorry. So I'm going to be on that mission tomorrow. I'll update on it.
On Dec 7 I need to discuss with the doctor I want a planned delivery, my last baby was 4 hour labor start to finish, I just can't be driving an hour to a hospital, an hour in triage, you know the situation is just not going to work we are too remote here..... I need it planned otherwise that baby is going to come out where ever I am. I bet it's a 2 hour delivery at most. Which will be nice, I just want it to be safe though. It's due between July 22-26, my grandma who is 80 her birthday is on the 23rd, I want to have it on the 23rd. She would be so happy. I love her so much it would be the best present I could ever give her.
Posted by Iwant3 (Member # 11704) on November 18, 2007 06:06 PM:
Hey girls!
I'm new to all this but Congrats!!! I can't believe it only took a month!!! How encouraging! I have two children 12 and 8. Had my TL in '99 after son was born. DH and I now want to have another. We're planning for April '08. I can't wait!
Posted by juanita (Member # 11575) on November 19, 2007 11:41 AM:
Congrats of your BFP!!! Wishing you a Happy & Healthy 9 months.
Posted by ANANICKY07 (Member # 11330) on November 19, 2007 01:18 PM:
mama12 - that is awesome.. CONGRATS ! Have a long healthy 9 months.
Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on November 19, 2007 01:32 PM:
First Congrats Mama12!!
...and to all TR sisters.... you still can have implantation bleeding and it be located in the tubes! Everything can seem fine even until the moments before rupture (if e/p), thus why so important to have that u/s.
To everyone please make sure you follow Dr B's protocol and necessary u/s when numbers are between 1500 - 2500...earlier than the 1500 they will not be able to see anything.....
i followed protocol and even saw a sac in the uterus...however...1 week later, i had to have emergency surgery for e/p that was not seen with 1st u/s.
Good luck to everyone!!!
TR 7/23/07
E/P 9/25/07
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 19, 2007 07:26 PM:
I went to the ER today I am spotting, they told me I had a UTI refused to give me blood work. My urine preg test came out negative, I told them I have 4 postive tests at home!!!!
Not long after that a guy came in he fell out of his tree stand drunk, he said his shoulder hurt and his back, so they gave him a rectal exam!??? Loudly saying it's time for your rectal exam like out of some nightmare movie!!!! I'm not kidding it was insane!!
I knew I was in the wrong place.
I went then to another doctor who I didn't have to tell a thing, he said WORD FOR WORD Dr. Berger's protocol.... WOW. I'm still spotting, on bedrest. Did a sono today, a no show, blood work will be in tomorrow, then I have to go back Wednesday for more. It's going to be a long haul I think.
I ended up right after the ER sobbing in a parking lot.... Just totally distraught, I can't handle doctors they scare the hell out of me after my 2nd daughter and a huge chunk of the placenta in me after 6 months I realize that man really psychologically scarred me for life....
This I can handle with my TR everything is right up front all the could be's and maybes and the precautionary stuff so that is cool. Dr. Berger and staff is straight forward, we all know....
My old Dr. honest to GOD did a number on my mind and it really sucks. I didn't realize the extent of the damage until today in that parking lot 8 years later.... BUT I had the same reaction. MOVE ON AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
Don't mess around girls, we all know.
Berta thank you for being on here, thank you so much.... you are helping big time, even if it all goes wrong it's ok. I wouldn't be the only one.
For know I'm very cautiously moving forward. I don't like this spotting one bit.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 19, 2007 07:30 PM:
Berta I've read that same statment here and there on this board..
It can all seem fine and BAM it's not. That quick too.
Beleive me I'm not playing around. I spent 8 hours today taking care of this. Wednesday will be the same way.
Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on November 20, 2007 08:04 AM:
Mama12...I'm so sorry you had to experience this.
I have posted my story many many times to anyone and everyone that asks or refers to anything out of the normal etc etc..... I have posted so much I'm sure people think I nuts...however...If my story can help a sister decide to go to ER or whatever then in my mind that is one life saved, because messing around with possible e/p's is and can be a deadly decision to procrastinate...
I've always said..."gut feeling" is everything!!! Everyone knows there bodies etc....and if there is that nagging little doubt...then more than likely....your feeling is correct.
I am saddened everytime a sister posts on here that this hurts, or this spotting etc etc....and I soooo encourage them to see a dr, get that u/s and then they dont. Then, there are no posts for days, sometimes weeks, then when they do post... the bottom line... they WAITED...ended up having surgery and losing their tube, ovary etc etc....... It definitely saddens me that some just don't listen from those that have experienced such a horrible ordeal......
It is better to do something and have it be nothing, than to do nothing and have it be something... if that makes sense....
I have encouraged all sisters in the waiting room and anywhere to have a DR before TR that will be willing to work with you and not against you after the TR and definitely before that first BFP!!! It is crucial.
Some dr's will tell you - oh everything is just fine - because they dont want to deal with it....etc etc. It is our lives that is in their hands...and If they dont treasure that...then they are not worth the effort to call them for anything. Find a DR who cares!!!! They are out there.
Prayers are with you Mama12 and all sisters!!
TR 7/23/07
E/P 9/25/07
Posted by stough1 (Member # 11605) on November 20, 2007 02:04 PM:
i have read all 5 pages on this forum!!! you have no idea how good it makes me feel to see that other women actually do experience symptoms of PTLS- even my doctor laughs it off. i had my TL in june '06, & everyday since have felt like i am on my period- o cramps, groin cramps, discharge, tiredness. i really thought that i was just unhealthy or paranoid. i even have a hard time getting my husband to believe me- im going to have him read this forum!! anyway, im going to have TR 12/14/07, mainly for relief. just getting scared- any words of advice or encouragement would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 20, 2007 07:22 PM:
So I got up at 5 am, gushing, I'm still bleeding really heavily. Went to the ER at 9 am, they gave me a blood test. Yesterday my levels were 41.93miu/ml Today they were 24 miu/ml
NON PREGNANT is 0.5 - 5 miu/ml
I was for sure pregnant, but it wasn't going well. I knew last night, this morning and I swear to GOD Berta, you know it's no joke, I am very lucky my tubes are fine, but I can also see if that is in your tubes you are DONE FOR if you don't go to the ER. You will bleed to death, if you don't get help.
I'm glad I'm healthy and happy, yeah it sad but I'm intact and ok. We will try again in a few months, probably in 3 months.
Posted by berta8133 (Member # 11188) on November 21, 2007 08:28 AM:
Mama...I'm SOOOOOOOOO very sorry for you and DH's loss! It is just a terrible ordeal to go thru.
Yes...any process of TTC after TR is no joke and nothing should be taken lightly until proven otherwise. Many hesitate to go to DR/ER because 'what if' it's nothing...then I look paranoid or nuts.... well to everyone reading...WHO CARES what people think..... it's your quality/quantity of life at stake!!!!
Also...yep... 'you know' when something isn't right. Can't explain, but you know.
I wish you a speedy recovery and take the time it takes to heal inside and out. A loss is very hard to indure, but you will feel better and before you know it - you will be TTC again!!!
Not that it's a consolation or anything...however with you being so early..and numbers not too too high, .hopefully recovery will be fast.
The hardest thing ever is too see that heartbeat and then to have it gone.
Prayers with you Mama!!!
here for you.
Posted by ANANICKY07 (Member # 11330) on November 21, 2007 09:20 AM:
mama12 - I am so sorry for your loss.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 21, 2007 02:53 PM:
Thank you and Berta yeah it is a consolation for sure it was very very early so it's a good thing. Better now than at 3 months.
I'm feeling ok. LOL I want to try again in 3 months. He is freaked out completely I don't care, LOL I'll trick him into it
I want one.
BUT the good thing is I can track my PTLS recovery now so that is a good thing.
It's all good like I said I think there was something wrong with it, I'm 35 and just had surgery 35 days ago, it's to be expected really.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 22, 2007 12:10 PM:
Yeah I think recovery will be quick the bleeding is slowing down which is great.
Wonder how long it takes to recover maybe next month I'll just be normal?
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 22, 2007 12:14 PM:
I had to skip out on DH's moms thanksgiving, his sister is months preg and has taken a liking to drinking beer. I as mad at her for that I sent her a link about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, she never responded of course, but now it's to the point I cannot look at her or have ANYTHING good to say to her. She completely disgusts me that she can't control herself for 9 months. SO to avoid a big blow up at Thanksgiving I'm ducking out. My excuse is miscarriage and that I need to stay and home and rest. I really am a hard A)) and have zero tolerance for somthings and that right now for me is just over the top.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 24, 2007 08:34 AM:
OK so back to PTLS
Yes I miscarried, but I only bled for 3 days the 4th day is really light, this is a GOOD sign I will have nice light periods from now on.... A very good thing.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 25, 2007 09:49 AM:
I told the ER doc about my periods after TL how they were 7-10 days long usually and previously they had been 5. How the one 2 months before TR was 14 days.
She asked if I had taken BCP or the shot or the patch. I said no, I never have, never will I'm totally against it period.... She said my body was acting like I had taken the pill for a long time and just come off of it, from what she could tell before TR. She thinks the TL may have some how upset my hormonal balance making horrific long clotting periods. (Which I already knew) but it was nice to hear from another doctor.
Posted by pghtwins (Member # 11308) on November 27, 2007 08:28 AM:
mama12... How are you feeling? I have not been on the boards for a few days and I missed sooo much!
I'm sorry about your miscarriage. You said you will try after New Years,I think that will be a good plan since your body needs to heal. It has been 3 months since my surgery and I'm still healing. Every month I feel better. I wake up and can't believe how different I feel!Well take care and hang in there!
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on November 27, 2007 10:43 AM:
I'm good, I think it was way too soon after surgery OR there was something wrong with it. It was only 2 weeks after TR!! My poor ovaries were like OMG what are you doing to us!!!
Everything is good my Hcg was down to 40 yesterday so it's going down it's gone I feel good. Crampy but ok.
I definitly need to heal that's all I know. Take it really easy.
After New Years is the plan I'm hoping I can hold out for March so I can have another Christmas baby. My 1st was Christmas Eve, she's insisted from the beginning of my TR adventure she wants a birthday partner. So I'm going to try for her. You know how some women conceive at certain times? Mine are both winter babies, Dec and Feb. I wonder if I'm just meant to have winter babies.
In all seriousness the miscarraige was easier physically than my PTLS symptoms crazy but very true and far less bleeding if you can believe it!!! I'm still so happy I got TR done it was one of my best decisions in life it was totally worth it Despite it all I feel good.
Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on December 02, 2007 11:17 PM:
I need some prayers ladies. I have had a very bad few days of PTLS to the point of crying and not wanting anyone to touch me. I hurt so bad. Please pray for me. Thanks Suzanne
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 03, 2007 07:53 AM:
You need to try and get this surgery done it really helps have you scheduled it or anything?
I had a Miscarriage and it was easier than my monthly period.... If that tells you anythign. It works.
I'm praying for you. I know how it is, I sat on my sis in laws porch in tears the month before the surgery it hurt so incredibly bad.... It was outrageous it would take my breath away.
I feel much better now.
I hope you feel better I'll pray for you.
Posted by misha (Member # 10594) on December 03, 2007 08:38 AM:
I know exactly how you feel Suzanneingod. I'm going through the same thing right now. Hopefully we'll both be having our TRs soon and be feeling much better like Mama12. Hugs.
Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on December 03, 2007 12:05 PM:
I, too have suffered from PTLS from the time I had my TL. It seems that the only one who actually believed my symptoms was my DH. He could definately see a difference in me, and the doctors just kept saying that it was in my head, hormones, etc. My periods went from 5-7 days with a little cramping to 10-14 days with massive, doubling-over cramping and severe clotting. I would have migraines that would land me in bed, uncontrollable mood swings, constant tiredness and bodyaches, all I did was cry, and was in pain what felt like 24/7. I lost any sexual desire I really had, and forget about reaching the climax--my poor hubby would try everything, and sex really became like work. (Sorry if TMI, but I know that other women out there are suffering just the same, and I want them to know that they're not alone, because I really thought that I was, and that I was going crazy.) I really was getting to the point of having my doctor put me on anti-depressants because I felt like I just couldn't handle things anymore.
Well, what I am getting to is that I had my TR last Thursday--November 29th. I had AF with severe cramping etc when I went in. When I got back to the hotel after the TR, I was in shock. Yes, I was in some pain from the TR itself, but the cramping was gone. I couldn't believe it, and I kept waiting for it to come. I was also waiting for the rest of my AF nasty symptoms to come, but they all just seemed to cease--as though they had just "turned off". AF only lasted 6 days this month (started on the 25 before TR).
We got home, and I even got my libido back (let's just say my DH barely had to do anything, and "surprise!" It's like I got all my sensitivity back. I feel whole again. I didn't even realize how much I was suffering, until it's no longer there. I can't fully explain it. Dr. B and his staff are truelly incredible and amazing. My DH is astonished about how well I feel, and how amazing the incision looks--Dr. B actually cleaned up my C-section/TL scar.
I cannot fully express how greatful I am to Dr. B! He and his staff are one-of-a-kind. Even if we aren't lucky enough to conceive another baby, it was still all worth it. I feel 1000 times better than I did a week ago already. My DH is so greatful to have his wife back, and has been talking to his buddies about how wonderful the whole experience was, and how amazing Dr. B and his staff are. This was truelly on life-altering experience for us, and one the we will definately be eternally greatful for. And let me not forget about how wonderful, loving, and amazing all of you are on here. I don't know if we would have actually gone through it without all your love and constant support and ecouragement. It just all seems so surreal to me. I love you all.
TL 10/05/06
TR 11/29/07
Me 32
DH 30
DD 14
DS 12
DD 9 1/2
DD 14 months
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 03, 2007 03:21 PM:
Wow Krys you are sooo lucky you were able to reverse it so soon!! Only a year. I dealt with the nightmare for 7 long years. I was offered a hysterectomy at one point can you beleive it? Thank God I said no.
I remember the clots..... and clots and clots it was like what is wrong with me???
I had a miscarriage for goodness sake and didn't clot like that!!!!!!
AND I AM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP THE SEX DRIVE THING! TMI whatever.. it's better after TR. The drive is back like it should be for me. My husband is 27 I'm 35 he can't keep up with me. That was a benefit of TR I had NEVER in a million years anticipated!! Weird isn't it??
I'm so glad I didn't have the mood swings. I'm kind of a B anyway, but I didn't really get any worse thank god. LOL I call it my Italian NY heritage. A family full of women?? You know we dominate.... We are all bred with attitudes LOL There's no way around that one.
Anyway Krys wait til your next AF bet it's a breeze then you'll really notice how good it worked, your going to love it.
The other thing I noticed is I don't have the stomach problems I did before. I don't know if I had adhesions he cut lose or what, but I'm all better in that way too. That was something that started after TL. I didn't ever think about it though, that was a fix I noticed about a week after TR.
I think we all came to the best place to get it done. I will recommend Dr. B to anyone who is wanting to do it without any hesitation.
It's benefited me in so many ways so far it's great. I wish I would've done it sooner.
Krys you are very lucky you got it done so soon and didn't have to wait like so many of us have.
Posted by sillypuddha (Member # 11649) on December 03, 2007 04:23 PM:
I'm sorry you had to deal with that for so long. My DH is actually the one who started looking into all of this. He kept saying that something is really wrong, and could not stand to see me suffer like this. He just kept saying that there has to be some way to fix this--that no one should have to live like this. I am very greatful for his persistance. I, too had the constant stomache problems that started with the TL. It was constant--felt like stuff was being shredded or ripped apart. I can gladly say that that feeling is gone as well. There is nothing that I can say that can truely show how much grattitude I have for Dr. Berger and his staff. Everything I could say would be an understatement. Lots of love to all, Krys
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 03, 2007 04:47 PM:
You've got a very smart hubby!!!
Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on December 03, 2007 05:04 PM:
AF showed an hour ago. I have been in agony all day and had so much to do. I still have a lot to do tonight for our church and I just want to go to bed. Good thing is I won't have to deal with AF on the holidays hopefully she'll hide for the rest of the month.
Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on December 03, 2007 05:06 PM:
Sorry mama12 No I haven't scheduled my surgery yet. Waiting on DH to have a good month so we can pay for it. I'm hoping end of January I don't want to go much longer than that.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 03, 2007 05:23 PM:
That's good it will be soon then hopfully do what you have to, we did, and it was worth every penny spent for me that's for sure. I'm very happy with the outcome.
What does your DH do?
Posted by suzanneingod (Member # 11558) on December 08, 2007 09:28 AM:
Good morning ladies. Thanks for all your prayers. I'm feeling a little better AF is almost over just a few more days of spotting to go. Did anyone else on here have their tailbone hurt during AF so much so that you couldn't even sit up all you could do is lay down? I was just wondering cause that's what happpens to me when AF shows up and I didn't know if I was the only one. I have back issues already but I know I didn't do anything to hurt my back. I'm always careful I never lift anything or move a certain way to cause my body to twist funky or anything. But I have noticed that when AF shows up my back (tailbone) hurts. Again thanks for praying. Mama12 he's independant sales rep for several companies. He makes great money it's just been slow for a couple months.
Posted by mama12 (Member # 11260) on December 08, 2007 10:24 AM:
I think everyone is slow right now the gas prices really hit everyone and trickles down.
No tailbone issues ever. Sounds like a back issue.
I would just get swelling of the euterus so bad it hurt to sit, since antomically it's right there when you sit you know? Pressing down when it's swollen.
That is something I do not miss!! It's gone thank goodness.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Dr. Berger helped bring happiness back to our family
Thank you so much Dr. Berger and everyone at Chapel Hill for helping to bring such happiness back to our family!! The happiness we feel today we never thought we would ever feel again after losing our beautiful daughter Shylo to leukemia in April of 2003. It was very hard to make the decision to have a tubal reversal because a lot of our family did not support the idea of us trying to have another baby after all our family had been through.
Everyone at Dr. Berger's office was so friendly and really helped us make our final decision to go through with the surgery. So we flew all the way from Wisconsin to North Carolina in April of 2005 to have the surgery that would change our lives once again! We dropped to our knees in October 2006 when we saw the positive pregnancy test. Not only were we pregnant but we also had the surprise of the due date being on my daughter's birthday, July 24th. We believed it was our daughter's way of letting us know she was there to be a part of this miracle! God blessed us with our miracle on July 12th a couple weeks early, and he is the spitting image of his big sis.
I can't express in words to all of you what you have done for our family. When you have to watch your child pass away, as we did our daughter, you feel as though there is no meaning to life and don't know how to make it through another day without your child. Dr. Berger gave us back our meaning and our happiness and, most importantly, our smiles every time we look into Skyla'rs eyes.
Thank you so much for all you have done for us. We will never forget you and everyone at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center.
Tamara W.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
PTLS Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome
I believe I am a victim ot PTLS in forum New Message Board Members at Tubal Reversal Message Board
Posted by Gialisa40 (Member # 8182) on May 29, 2005 09:58 AM :
I have had terrible PTLS symptoms that have only gotten worse. I was wondering does it matter how long you have had your tubal, can you still get it reversed? Will reversal help at any age? What if you are close to menopause? My doctor told me what he was doing couldn't be reversed, it was cut and burned. Is that true?
I appreciate any help or information anyone has to offer.
Thanks, Gialisa40
Posted by Digger (Member # 7585) on May 29, 2005 11:00 AM :
The time length that you had your TL doesn't matter.My Dr told me mine couldn't be reversed either but Dr B DID reverse it.At times it the tube is too short or severely damaged it may not be reversed.Dr B will request your records from the TL to determine that and if you don't have access to those recors(which I didn't)he can do laproscopy to look before he does the TR.I wish you the best of luck!
Posted by rkandlm (Member # 6776) on May 29, 2005 11:01 AM :
Gilalisa, My symptoms got worse and worse! It does not matter, from what I have heard, how long since your TL. Dr. B. can fix almost everything! Mine were cut and burned, and I still came out with 5.5 & 6 cm. I had my TR on 11-5-04, and I am now 22W 3D pregnan. After the TR, and before my BFP, all my symptoms went away. All I know for sure is how I went back to normal, and felt a ton better! Bonus.....I now get to be a mom again!YEA!
Hope this helps some, Lisa
Posted by Rachel RN (Member # 1386) on May 29, 2005 12:36 PM :
Dear Gialisa, I'm sorry you have been having so much trouble with PTLS. Although most patients come to Dr. Berger for TR because they want more children, many women report either significant or total relief from PTLS symptoms following TR surgery. Many have reported reduction in cramping, bleeding, and number of days their periods last, as well as fewer mood swings and other problems. To my knowledge, there is not much data on this (maybe because so many doctors are still denying the existence of PTLS) but Dr. Berger is collecting these reports. Dr. Berger is able to repair the tubes in at least 95% of cases. Your age and length of time since TL are not factors in a successful repair (pregnancy rates, of course, ARE related to age). I suggest that you obtain a copy of the operative report from your TL procedure (from the surgeon who performed it, or the hospital where you had it done) and send it to Dr. Berger. He'll review it and a nurse will call you within a day or so to discuss everything. I hope to be taking care of you in the Recovery Room soon! Rachel Heller, RN
Posted by tfaith (Member # 8133) on May 30, 2005 05:51 PM :
You are not alone. I am a 44 year old woman with PTLS symptoms and broke down and cried when I found this site a week ago. No one believed me before. I had been told the only way I could find relief was to have a hysterectomy. My fear of only trading symptoms kept me from doing it. My reports have already been turned in and now I am waiting to have my FSH levels tested. As long as I am not on the verge of menopause I will be having a TR in the attempt to diminish my PTLS symptoms. I still have regualar cycles so feel confident Dr. B. can help me too. I already feel a heavy weight has been lifted, because now I have hope. You are younger than me and I am pressing on, and so can you. BTW - I had also been told that my tubes were burned but my report did not reflect that, so maybe your tubes weren't either.
Posted by CL (Member # 6765) on May 31, 2005 11:12 PM :
Gialisa40, I can only tell you that my PTLS has gotten worse and in 9 days, I will be having my TR. I am looking foward to my first AF after that to see what happens. I am looking forward to having more energy and getting rid of the mood swings that have developed in the last month. The mood swings is what pushed my husband into getting my TR immediately. Of course, part of this happened because the good Lord helped us to sell our house to make all of this possible. All I can say, is that the day I found this site and discovered that I wasn't crazy and had a OB/GYN doc say that they call it PMS, not PTLS and walked out on me when I asked her morally and ethically didn't she feel obligated to tell her patients what could happen from a TL.
Posted by taalah (Member # 8162) on May 31, 2005 11:20 PM :
I thought i was the only one having these symptoms and my gyno recommended me taking everything out and i am only 33 gosh i thought i was tripping out again but i suspected it was hormone related to my tl its like i morphed into a different woman will most of this go away when you have your tr and put your body back the way god intended it
Posted by CL (Member # 6765) on June 01, 2005 01:03 AM :
taalah, I certainly hope so as I do not want to take birth control pills, prescription medication and have more test run to figure out how to deal with these symptoms. I guess in 9 days when I have the procedure and my body is put back together, I will find out. It certainly will be nice to have energy again instead of sitting around the house because that is all you can do. CL
Posted by colette catalino (Member # 8184) on June 01, 2005 06:31 AM :
This is the first I've heard of PTLS. Since my TL 2 years ago and the return of my periods year ago I have experienced the worsest mood swings, abdominal pain, nausea and cramping not to mention feeling like I am pregnant every month from the abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, nausea and back cramps. After the third cycle I began to think I have excess scarring from the procedure or an artifact was left behind during the surgery. I want this craziness to end. How common is PTLS and does it continually get worse?? Confused and nutty....
Posted by Gialisa40 (Member # 8182) on June 01, 2005 07:24 AM :
Yes Taalah,
I agree we should be the way God intended us to be. I kept waiting for my husband to have a vasectomy and he wouldn't, 6 kids later, I said I have to do something. Now with these symptoms I am sorry I did. For women we have a monthly cycle and our whole body undergoes changes constantly, we need our estrogen production. Men don't need to produce sperm, except when you want to conceive, which I think we have enough. My brother had a vasectomy and he had no negative symptoms. I just thought I would show the comparison of how much more we are affected by sterilization then men are.
Posted by Gialisa40 (Member # 8182) on June 01, 2005 07:29 AM :
Please CL let us know how you feel after.
Thanks so much for sharing! It is so good to know I am not alone.
Posted by mommakat (Member # 8204) on June 02, 2005 02:12 PM :
Hello everyone
I didn't know about ptls until I looked into this sight 3 years ago (wanting to get a reversal so my DH and I could have a baby together). I realized then that was exactly what I was experiancing. Not only did I have terrible mood swings (sometimes rageful)but I never knew when to expect my periods (typically 19-30+ days), which by the way were always very painful the first day. After my tr my cycles became very regular, I don't have the mood swings or even the pain anymore!!!
I had my tl Oct. 26th, 1994 after my youngest daughter was born and my tr on October 20th 2004. I have 3 children from my 1st marriage -ages 10, 12, & 14 and am remarried 1 1/2 years now with hopes of another bundle of joy soon.
Posted by tfaith (Member # 8133) on June 02, 2005 04:02 PM :
I wish I had found this site years ago, but am grateful for finding now.
Has anyone who was 40+ gone through the TR and found relief from PTLS? Ironically I found this site while researching pre-menopausal symptoms as my PMS keeps getting worse and I am approaching the age. But two things that have remained constant is that my AF's are still very regular and I still feel ovulation.
Posted by taalah (Member # 8162) on June 02, 2005 11:11 PM :
congrads cl hope your tr goes well and wish you all the luck. i agree with some now let the men carry the procedures from here on because woman have enough to deal with already with everyday hormone problems.
Posted by little j (Member # 7744) on June 03, 2005 07:04 PM :
Hellow girls,I'm 27 and I have 3 boys ages6,8,and 9 and I've been wanting to have a TR,How has this exprerience been for those who got it done?
Posted by CL (Member # 6765) on June 05, 2005 12:14 PM :
Gialisa40, I will be glad to let you know how I am feeling.
Posted by dephany (Member # 6570) on June 05, 2005 01:26 PM :
is ther anyone on line right now who i can talk to about there surgery send back a reply
Posted by hopeann (Member # 7733) on June 06, 2005 01:10 PM :
Hey Ladies, I had my TR in January. Each month my cycle has been better. This month it was almost the same as before my TL. My period would be about 2 days with mild cramping, after the TL it would last for about 7 days with nausea and heavy cramping. I used to have a bad headache about a week before I was to start, but I believe my body is working this out because my headache is moving around during the month. I would believe it will deminish as well. I wish doctors would give people the information that ptls is possible. I am greatful to have the opportunity to fix my body and let it work as it is supposed to. Dr. Berger and his staff are the most professional and caring office I have met in any field of health care. Thank you Dr. Berger and Staff for all you do. Hope
More Information on PTLS
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Choosing a tubal reversal surgeon
Dr. Berger is the only physician in the country with a practice that is specifically limited to tubal reversal surgery. That is the only procedure we perform here with Dr. Berger performing four reversals each day, five days a week. We have a high staff/patient ratio with one or two nurses devoted specifically to your care while you are here. All of our nurses have advanced certification in cardiac life support (ACLS) and our anesthesiologists are MD's with board certification in anesthesia. The anesthesiologists are employees here and not anesthesia staff from another hospital or anesthesia service. So everyone here has expertise in caring for and performing reversal surgery. While you are here, you will only be with other women and couples who are here specifically for the same purpose.
We keep very detailed data and statistics on each of our patients (age, tube length, medical history, tube of tubal ligation, pregnancy history, etc.). This is obtained by daily contact with our patients to ensure we have accurate information regarding their surgery and their outcome. To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Berger is the only doctor with published data regarding outcomes following reversal surgery. On the Internet, claims about tubal reversal pregnancy rates are often made without supporting information or documentation - such as a description of the patient population, study method, and follow-up interval. Most Internet sites about tubal reversal do not provide any factual data at all. Any doctor may say that his patients have a particular success rate, but supporting the claim with actual data involves considerable effort. Performing a follow-up study such as this one requires keeping an accurate record of patients and their findings, as well as maintaining ongoing patient contact to determine the outcomes of treatment. That is the only way a doctor can actually know what the pregnancy and outcome statistics are for his patients. Without this detailed type of information, the accuracy of any claim of success rates should be questioned.
At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, nurses enter information into an electronic patient database at the patient's registration, the surgical procedure, and from regular post-operative communications with our staff. If we have not heard from patients after their recovery from surgery, our nurses contact them at 6 and 12-month intervals. We know of no other doctor, hospital, or clinic that maintains such ongoing patient follow-up records after tubal reversal surgeries. I believe Dr. Berger's commitment to providing accurate, up-to-date data is reflected in the fact that he requires this time-consuming but important procedure to be followed so that valid information can be obtained. Each year we publish the results of our follow-up study, reflecting surgical and pregnancy outcomes. This is the most comprehensive study done to date of tubal reversal surgery and its resulting outcomes, showing that for the majority of women who have undergone a tubal ligation procedure and decide later they would like to have more children, tubal reversal surgery is a better option than in vitro fertilization (IVF).
I hope this information is helpful. If I can answer other questions or assist you in any way, please let me know. Dr. Berger is able to repair the tubes in 98% of cases, including those where the tubes have been cut and burned.
Julia Smith, RN, ALNC
Nurse Administrator
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center
T: 919-656-8204 F: 870-934-9211
Friday, October 5, 2007
Tubal Reversal Procedure Scheduling
Having chosen Dr. Gary Berger as her tubal reversal doctor, a member of the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board seeks support from other members and shares her feelings of nervousness. Patients and staff provide input on what to expect before and after a tubal reversal procedure and share their own stories of success following surgery with Dr. Berger.
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 11:14 AM:
I committed to the TR Procedure two days ago and it is happening in 3 weeks.. I am a nervous reck!! I am 29 and getting married on Oct 20th. This is the honeymoon. I hope thinks go good but I guess I can use someone who understands. Can anyone help?
Posted by wweigand (Member # 11323) October 04, 2007 11:27 AM:
Steff, everything will be fine! You will be sore for your honeymoon tho. But hopefully well worth it. Good luck and long, healthy tubes!!! Dont be nervous. I was also a nervous wreck but the staff at CH are WONDERFUL!! They really make you feel welcome. So much so, that I told my husband, I want to move to NC. I said if everyone is as nice as the staff at CH, I would love to move down there. Wendy
Posted by Tanya from VA (Member # 9507) October 04, 2007 11:36 AM:
Welcome to CH and hopefully the best life-changing experience you will have. This is a great place for support and you will find everyone here really understands.
Try to relax - the surgury isn't very hard as far as recovery. Like Wendy said - your going to be sore for several days but it's very managable and you will feel better everyday. The CH staff is just awesome and they will answer your questions and assist in anyway they can.
The journey ttc can be filled with ups and downs. Try to pick up a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility and do some reading. Most ladies here have never had any issues ttc but after surgury many find ourselves stuggling for longer than we expected. This book is just PACKED with useful information - even if you get a BFP the next month you won't be sorry you picked it up.
Good luck to you! Crossing my fingers for long healthy tubes and a quick BFP for you!!
TR 9-7-06
edd 5-21-08
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 11:48 AM:
I just regret my past decision so much that I hope this is a success. I just don't want the surgery to be in vain.. They said everything looks positive. Can I really believe them and start hoping this will actually happen?
Posted by Lori RN (Member # 10610) October 04, 2007 11:57 AM:
We are glad you made the decision to come see Dr. Berger. Here is a website link on What to expect the Day of Surgery. I look forward to meeting you.
Lori RN
Posted by Luckypj's (Member # 9974) October 04, 2007 12:07 PM:
You are in great hands with Dr. Berger and his staff! You are still young so don't worry and enjoy your new marriage (Congratulations by the way!) and your TTC'ing!
Welcome to the message board. There is so much support and friendship here. I don't know what I would do without it!
Posted by Tanya from VA (Member # 9507) October 04, 2007 12:09 PM:
Steff - I remember feeling the same way but this is going to happen! It feels surreal right now but once you get there and meet the nurses, staff and have your consult with Dr.Berger it won't feel like a dream. With all luck - your life will start a new path that day. You will leave the consult feeling anxious but be assured your in good hands. The nurses in the surgical unit are just AWESOME!!
You may not get a quick pregnancy - it may take a few or many months - there may be bumps along the way and life offers no guarentees but be assured he has changed many lives - including mine.
Best of luck to you!
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 12:17 PM:
Thank you so much!! I really hope that we will be celebrating a bfp in the upcoming months. I want to be cautiously optimistic.. But it is hard.. I really want a baby
Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) October 04, 2007 01:32 PM:
I got married oct 21st of last year... will be by Dr. B on the 18th... anniversary trip! for my TR procedure. You are in the best hands possible! Best of luck to you!
What day is your surgery? there is a bunch of us on "The Waiting Room" thread (currently on Part 25) - come join us... I will add you to the list of us waiting!
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 01:41 PM:
Thank you so very much..Good luck to you all
Posted by Jan, RN (Member # 10035) October 04, 2007 02:56 PM:
You are understandably excited and anxious about the upcoming procedure. Anxiety is often due to not knowing- the unknown. Reading on the website, especially what to expect, as Lori suggested might help relieve some anxiety. Please feel free to call with questions. Help us know how we can be helpful to you.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tubal Reversal Procedure Talking Points
Question : How can I know what techniques work best for tubal reversal procedures?
Answer : Some doctors may have different opinions about how tubal reversal surgery is best performed. There is only one way to know what works the best and that is by documenting the pregnancy and birth rates after the reversal surgery. This requires long term patient follow-up. Dr. Berger follows-up with all of his patients, records the outcomes of every reversal procedure, and publishes documented statistics about pregnancy after tubal reversal as well as weekly pregnancy reports for his patients. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center provides complete and accurate information about the success of tubal reversal.
More Questions and Answers about Tubal Reversal Procedure
Saturday, September 8, 2007
North Carolina Facility Specializes in Tubal Reversal Surgery
(CHAPEL HILL, NC) - Dr. Gary S. Berger, M.D., director of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, has established the only surgical practice in the country dedicated exclusively to performing tubal ligation reversal surgery. Dr. Berger, one of the pioneers of tubal reversal surgery, is a reproductive surgeon who has spent more than 30 years specializing in outpatient tubal reversal surgery.
Widely recognized as the tubal reversal doctor with the most experience with the tubal reversal procedure, Dr. Berger's patients come from across the United States and abroad to have their fertility restored with his one hour, outpatient, low cost tubal reversal procedure. The microsurgery techniques Dr. Berger pioneered reduce tissue injury, blood loss, post-operative pain, the risk of infection, and recovery time.
Dr. Berger has created a unique environment for women who come to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Since the facility is dedicated to caring for tubal reversal patients only, patients enjoy a high nurse-to-patient ratio with one or two nurses devoted specifically to caring for each patient. All of the nurses are RNs and have advanced certification in cardiac life support (ACLS) and the anesthesiologists are medical doctors (MD's) with board certification in anesthesia. The other women and couples in the facility are there specifically for the same purpose - tubal reversal procedures.
Although tubal reversal may not be right for everyone, a comprehensive study conducted by Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center in 2006 concluded that Dr. Berger is able to repair the fallopian tubes in 98% of women who have come for surgery and over two-thirds of his patients become pregnant within 10 months following surgery. The study report includes 4,025 tubal reversal procedures performed by Dr. Berger between January 2001 and December 2005. It is the largest and most definitive study in existence that provides information on the outcome of tubal reversal surgery.
At the conclusion of the study interval, 69 percent of the women in Dr. Berger's study had reported pregnancies. The pregnancy rate ranged from 82 percent for women under 30 years of age to 41 percent for women 40 years of age and older. The highest pregnancy rate (87 percent) was among women age under 30 after reversal of a previous ring or clip method of sterilization.
"Many people, including doctors, mistakenly believe that tubal ligation surgery is a permanent method of birth control," states Dr. Berger. Tubal reversal surgery - a one-hour outpatient procedure - rejoins the separated segments of fallopian tube so that eggs can become fertilized and travel down the tubes to the uterus, allowing pregnancy to occur naturally."
Julia Smith, RN
(919) 656-8204