Having chosen Dr. Gary Berger as her tubal reversal doctor, a member of the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Message Board seeks support from other members and shares her feelings of nervousness. Patients and staff provide input on what to expect before and after a tubal reversal procedure and share their own stories of success following surgery with Dr. Berger.
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 11:14 AM:
I committed to the TR Procedure two days ago and it is happening in 3 weeks.. I am a nervous reck!! I am 29 and getting married on Oct 20th. This is the honeymoon. I hope thinks go good but I guess I can use someone who understands. Can anyone help?
Posted by wweigand (Member # 11323) October 04, 2007 11:27 AM:
Steff, everything will be fine! You will be sore for your honeymoon tho. But hopefully well worth it. Good luck and long, healthy tubes!!! Dont be nervous. I was also a nervous wreck but the staff at CH are WONDERFUL!! They really make you feel welcome. So much so, that I told my husband, I want to move to NC. I said if everyone is as nice as the staff at CH, I would love to move down there. Wendy
Posted by Tanya from VA (Member # 9507) October 04, 2007 11:36 AM:
Welcome to CH and hopefully the best life-changing experience you will have. This is a great place for support and you will find everyone here really understands.
Try to relax - the surgury isn't very hard as far as recovery. Like Wendy said - your going to be sore for several days but it's very managable and you will feel better everyday. The CH staff is just awesome and they will answer your questions and assist in anyway they can.
The journey ttc can be filled with ups and downs. Try to pick up a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility and do some reading. Most ladies here have never had any issues ttc but after surgury many find ourselves stuggling for longer than we expected. This book is just PACKED with useful information - even if you get a BFP the next month you won't be sorry you picked it up.
Good luck to you! Crossing my fingers for long healthy tubes and a quick BFP for you!!
TR 9-7-06
edd 5-21-08
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 11:48 AM:
I just regret my past decision so much that I hope this is a success. I just don't want the surgery to be in vain.. They said everything looks positive. Can I really believe them and start hoping this will actually happen?
Posted by Lori RN (Member # 10610) October 04, 2007 11:57 AM:
We are glad you made the decision to come see Dr. Berger. Here is a website link on What to expect the Day of Surgery. I look forward to meeting you.
Lori RN
Posted by Luckypj's (Member # 9974) October 04, 2007 12:07 PM:
You are in great hands with Dr. Berger and his staff! You are still young so don't worry and enjoy your new marriage (Congratulations by the way!) and your TTC'ing!
Welcome to the message board. There is so much support and friendship here. I don't know what I would do without it!
Posted by Tanya from VA (Member # 9507) October 04, 2007 12:09 PM:
Steff - I remember feeling the same way but this is going to happen! It feels surreal right now but once you get there and meet the nurses, staff and have your consult with Dr.Berger it won't feel like a dream. With all luck - your life will start a new path that day. You will leave the consult feeling anxious but be assured your in good hands. The nurses in the surgical unit are just AWESOME!!
You may not get a quick pregnancy - it may take a few or many months - there may be bumps along the way and life offers no guarentees but be assured he has changed many lives - including mine.
Best of luck to you!
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 12:17 PM:
Thank you so much!! I really hope that we will be celebrating a bfp in the upcoming months. I want to be cautiously optimistic.. But it is hard.. I really want a baby
Posted by Eric'sGirl (Member # 10652) October 04, 2007 01:32 PM:
I got married oct 21st of last year... will be by Dr. B on the 18th... anniversary trip! for my TR procedure. You are in the best hands possible! Best of luck to you!
What day is your surgery? there is a bunch of us on "The Waiting Room" thread (currently on Part 25) - come join us... I will add you to the list of us waiting!
Posted by Steffp (Member # 11579) October 04, 2007 01:41 PM:
Thank you so very much..Good luck to you all
Posted by Jan, RN (Member # 10035) October 04, 2007 02:56 PM:
You are understandably excited and anxious about the upcoming procedure. Anxiety is often due to not knowing- the unknown. Reading on the website, especially what to expect, as Lori suggested might help relieve some anxiety. Please feel free to call with questions. Help us know how we can be helpful to you.
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