Friday, September 28, 2007

Tubal Reversal Procedure Talking Points

The page Tubal Reversal Procedure Talking Points discusses various issues regarding tubal reversal microsurgery, such as the use of loupes vs microscope, choice of suture material for the fallopian tubes, and the advantages of using a tubal stent. Although some doctors may have different opinions about how tubal reversal surgery is best performed, there is one way to know for certain what works the best and that is by documenting the pregnancy and birth rates after the reversal surgery. Dr. Berger is the only tubal reversal doctor who documents and publishes actual pregnancy and birth statistics based on long term patient follow-up.

Question : How can I know what techniques work best for tubal reversal procedures?

Answer : Some doctors may have different opinions about how tubal reversal surgery is best performed. There is only one way to know what works the best and that is by documenting the pregnancy and birth rates after the reversal surgery. This requires long term patient follow-up. Dr. Berger follows-up with all of his patients, records the outcomes of every reversal procedure, and publishes documented statistics about pregnancy after tubal reversal as well as weekly pregnancy reports for his patients. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center provides complete and accurate information about the success of tubal reversal.

More Questions and Answers about Tubal Reversal Procedure

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